About Us

We are the trusted Secure Logistics service provider in Sri Lanka. Our unblemished track record in providing secure logistics dates back to 1977. Our unrivalled team of experienced personnel and fleet of teller made vehicles equipped with GPS tracking, monitoring systems provide the assurance of cash & valuables Our island wide branch network provides operational flexibility to meet our clients demands. This also enables, operational reinforcements during emergencies. The decentralized cash processing operation in the regions provide our customers fast and timely solutions to all customer needs.

Cash Management
And Processing



Cash Valuables

Data Storage


ATM Replenishment



“To Be The Premier Service Provider In Loss Prevention, Secure Logistics And Caring Services In Sri Lanka.”

mission icon


“To provide our customers peace of mind, by setting the highest professional standards in providing solutions to Loss Prevention, Secure Logistics and Caring Services in Sri Lanka whilst giving our employees a challenging and a fulfilling career.”

vision icon

Our Difference

“Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.” – Peter Drucker

About Us
  • Most advanced machinery in the industry.

    We use cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest security for both staff and valuables

  • Highest standards

    Our services are underpinned by strict industry standards and we follow specific procedures and processes to guarantee optimum service for our clients